Hi there and thank you for taking a look at my website and blog. I’m SO excited about this new service I’m offering. I might write more about what brought me to this point at another time. But for now, let’s just say, this has been a long time in the making. I’ve taken my 16+ years of counseling experience and re-created my practice/business to offer something that I think will fill some gaps that exist in the realm of professional support these days, while at the same time provide me with the opportunity to continue to work with people in the way that I love for many years to come. (See my home page to find out how I’m doing this!)
On this blog, I’ll be writing about resources for personal growth and development—the most helpful things I’ve found that I’d recommend to people I care about and use in my own life—and why I think they’re great. These will be resources that contain practical and actionable tools, skills, strategies and practices you can use in your life right away—resources to help with problems or struggles in your relationships, work, health, or general stress, or to build overall well-being. These might be books, articles, podcast episodes, videos, training programs, social media posts, helpful people I follow and learn from, apps, and websites. I’ll also share educational material I’ve created over the years that you might find helpful, such as articles, audio exercises, written exercises, webinars, and handouts of various sorts. Posts might also include information about navigating the mental health world—to answer some of the frequently asked questions I’ve received over the course of my career as a therapist.
You can get updates on when I post on this blog by subscribing on the form below, following me on Instagram or Facebook, or just checking back here whenever you like. I’ve turned off the comments for the time being, but I'll be creating a members’ area, so that we can converse about posts and people can ask questions. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me by email or text with comments or questions!